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Cydlynydd Ysgolion – Gogledd a chanolbarth Cymru
Hoffech chi roi hwb i'r hyn mae'r NSPCC yn ei gynnig i ysgolion?
Yn 2021, cyhoeddodd yr NSPCC strategaeth 10 mlynedd newydd i gael yr effaith fwyaf bosibl i roi diwedd ar esgeuluso a cham-drin plant. Mae ein timau Gwasanaethau Lleol yn rhan hanfodol o'r ffordd y bydd tri phrif nod strategol yr NSPCC yn cael eu cyflawni:
Mae Gwasanaethau Lleol yn dwyn ynghyd ein gwaith mewn ysgolion, ymgyrchoedd lleol, a'n gwasanaethau uniongyrchol ar draws 9 rhanbarth a gwlad. Mae tîm Gwasanaeth Ysgolion Cymru yn rhan annatod o'n cenhadaeth gan ei fod yn gyfrifol am ddarparu'r cynnig i ysgolion.
Os felly, byddem yn falch petaech chi'n gwneud cais am swydd Cydlynydd Ysgolion.
Gan adrodd i'r Rheolwr Ysgolion, bydd swydd y Cydlynydd Ysgolion yn cynnwys:
Fel aelod o'n tîm, byddai ein gwerthoedd a'n hymddygiadau sefydliadol yn bwysig i chi. Rydym yn chwilio am rywun fydd yn canolbwyntio ar y plentyn, sydd â chred gref yn hawliau plant, ac sydd â dealltwriaeth ac ymrwymiad clir i gydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd ac ymarfer.
Gwnewch gais drwy lenwi'r ffurflen gais lawn, a darparu datganiad ategol sy'n rhoi enghreifftiau clir o'ch profiad i ddangos sut rydych chi'n bodloni pob pwynt ym manyleb y person.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Rhian Jones, (Rheolwr Gwasanaeth Ysgolion Cymru NSPCC)
Schools Coordinator – North & Mid Wales
Would you like to drive forward NSPCC's schools offer?
In 2021, the NSPCC announced a new 10+ year strategy to make the biggest impact we can to stop child abuse and neglect. Our Local Services teams are an essential part of how NSPCC's three main strategic goals will be delivered:
Local Services brings together our work in schools, local campaigning and our direct services across 9 regions and nations. The Schools Service Cymru/Wales team plays an integral part of our mission as it's responsible for delivering the schools offer.
If so, we would love you to apply for the Schools Coordinator position.
Reporting to the Schools Manager, the Schools Coordinator role will:
As a member of our team, our organisational values and behaviours would be important to you. We want someone who will take a child-centred approach, has a strong belief in the rights of children, and has a clear understanding and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of life and practice.
Please apply by filling out the full application form and a supporting statement that provides your experience with clear examples that demonstrate how you meet each point of the person specification.
For further information please contact Rhian Jones (NSPCC Schools Service Manager Wales) at
As an organisation, we are committed to creating and fostering a culture that promotes safeguarding and the welfare of all children and adults at risk. Our safer recruitment practices support this by ensuring that there is a consistent and thorough process of obtaining, collating, analysing and evaluating information from and about candidates to ensure that all persons appointed are suitable to work with our children and adults.
At the NSPCC we are on a journey to becoming a trauma-informed organisation for the children, young people and families that we work with, as well as our staff and volunteers. To be trauma-informed is one of the guiding principles that shape and guide our 2021-2031 Strategy. This means understanding the nature of adversity, trauma, and resilience so that we can work towards reducing and preventing further harm and promoting recovery and healing. Coming to work at the NSPCC will provide the opportunity for you to join us in our commitment to becoming a trauma-informed organisation.
Siobhan Walters / Children's Services